
Trinity Catholic School Science Department is committed to providing a high-quality Science education which is taught in an engaging, stimulating and also intellectually challenging environment.  

We set the expectations for our students high, regarding behaviour, attitude and effort. This reflects the core values of the Catholic Church. As in the parable with talents, we have an obligation for multiplying them, instead of hiding. We strive to help our students discover their passion for knowledge and understanding, and teach them how to keep growing.  

“Ein arche ein ho Logos” (In the beginning there was Logos). Logos, in the traditional Greek understanding, has a very rich meaning that can be summarised as the order of things. From this passage of Gospel by St. John the Apostle stems the belief that the Universe is objective, knowable, and within our capacity to learn its laws. 

Conversely, our understanding of the material World developed in time. Some hypotheses were confirmed, some were rejected, while others – replaced by more accurate ones. However, no one explanation seems to be cast in stone. Therefore, by learning and applying the scientific method, first developed by St. Thomas Aquinas and his master, St. Albertus Magnus, we can aid our students in their quest to knowing the world.

It is our responsibility to seek the objective truth. Building on the foundation of the contemporary knowledge in disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics, in a rich curriculum, we will: 

  • Establish a key foundational knowledge and support students in finding what attracts them most. Most of us end up specializing in relatively narrow domains, but a good cross-discipline comprehension has proved to yield important contributions to the core domain. 
  • Encourage curiosity of the world which we have been given to explore. The source of all knowing is awe. But we also understand that understanding comes with effort. Invention of a lightbulb took 1000 failed attempts. 
  • Promote respect for all the animated and the inanimate, and for fellow men and women. Through whichever means, we believe that the Universe was given us as home. We have all been endowed with ontological equality in God’s Image, and therefore ought to respect His creation. 
  • Develop insights that will help to understand the uses and implications of scientific developments. Speaking more to cross-discipline knowledge, students who aspire to know more about each subject can draw connections between seemingly separate phenomena. We encourage students to study broad. 
  • Increase scientific literacy to help students navigate into their adulthood, comfortably confronting scientific literature and news in search for the truth. 
  • Formulate awareness of the applicability of Scientific principles to serve good. Explore how attained understanding and knowledge can leverage their skills, especially moving forward into STEM based careers. Application starts with understanding. 
  • Lead the students toward great grades in GCSE, as a short-term goal. The longest journey starts with one step. We aim to provide children with knowledge, skills and the understanding they need, in their aspiration to pursue sciences to a degree level and beyond.